Why Diamond?
Rust free – In cities with high amounts of rain, snow, sea salt, or calcium chloride, rust will commonly develop in the stepwell, wheel wells, and along door frames of metal buses. Diamond buses do not rust because of its all composite construction.
Impact resistant – Try this experiment. Obtain a cross section piece of a Diamond bus and one from a metal competitor. Place each cross section on the ground. Next, hit both pieces with the same amount of force using a mallet. Which piece retains its form and would be easier to maintain for the life of the vehicle?
Superior Temperature Efficiency – Diamond buses are easier to cool / heat than metal constructed buses. Why? Diamond’s all composite construction has superior insulation properties making it far easier to cool and heat than a metal bus. This makes for happier riders.
No repainting – The exterior of a Diamond bus is finished with a durable gelcoat material. After years of use and abuse, simply hand wash the exterior, buff with wax, and enjoy the “nearly new” finish return all without repainting.
No waves – Waves are great for surfing, just not on the side of a bus. With Diamond’s three seam construction process, waves will not appear or create issues with graphics.
Smooth, quiet ride – Unlike metal buses that creak with every bump and turn, Diamond’s all composite construction is smooth and quiet. Diamond buses provide superior sound dampening. For example, Diamond sidewalls are never glued, taped, or filled with Styrofoam. Diamond also installs thick rubber pads between the “I-Beams” and floor to help cushion the ride while reducing road noise.